Investment Philosophy

What you should know before reaching out:

I am not a professional early stage investor. I don’t know much about term sheets, I don’t meet entrepreneurs to hear pitches (except by accident), and my eyes glaze over when people start talking about valuations. I only invest in startups that have been vetted by an investor that I admire. My biggest wins have come from trusting in people who are obviously smarter than me. And finally, when I do invest, which is rare, I think about 10-20 year bets - not short term flips.

My contributions to the companies I invest in are small at best, although I do have a knack for:

  • Coaching entrepreneurs through personal issues in times of stress

  • Assisting with setup and management of offshore engineering, HR and operations teams

  • Recruiting and evaluating executive-level hires

  • Opening doors with banks, law firms, mentors, and domain experts around the world;

Areas of Interest:

SAAS, Health/Wellness, VR, enterprise security. I tend to avoid consumer plays.

Please note: I will never respond to pitches that are cold. Do not approach me on LinkedIn or Twitter or via email. I only look at deals that have been referred via my personal network and already invested in by another investor that I’ve participated in deals with in the past. (I will always respond to emails sent via the Tiger 21 or YPO networks.)