
Quick Intro

I enjoy working 1 on 1 with interesting people who are serious about deep personal work and have the time and freedom to go ‘all in’.

There are no fees. I don’t need money anymore. I work with people that I find interesting, and who strike me as very, very sincere about their desire for self-discovery.

I have 2 main areas that I can offer assistance with:

  • Addressing health issues that are psycho-somatic in nature.

  • Helping people understand exactly, precisely why you have certain habits/patterns/behaviors that you don’t want.

It’s inevitable that our discussions will touch deeply personal topics such as relationships with children, spouses, parents, etc. I’m also really good at helping entrepreneurs understand why their management team dynamics are completely screwed up. (Hint: It's always our own fault)

Where and How?

Sessions usually take place at my home in Italy. I also travel to Southern California and the Bahamas quite often. A coaching session goes from 1 – 3 days. We start early, work *hard* and do not socialize. (You are welcome to explore surrounding vinyards or use the pool during breaks!) The work involves discussion, somatic work, meditation, breathing exercises, and other modalities. IYKYK. It is often not fun, but always hyper effective.

Note: Before working with me, I insist that people do a lot of reading. I prefer to work with people who already understand the basics before we get into the hard stuff.

How to Book / New Clients

My coaching practice is by referral only. If you are a member of Tiger 21 or the YPO network, you can reach me through a member.